SUA News | December 2023
Source: | Author:SUA | Published time: 2024-01-03 | 88 Views | Share:

Last month, SUA received an urgent engineering consulting requirement from a Mexican client to intervene in a specific injection molds follow-up. There were some big and complex parts facing quality issues with critical timing. The client needed accurate and demanding documents which were hard enough for the factory.

We went onsite as the invited consultant thereupon with a clear strategy. With 2 weeks of communications and onsite work, now the client is clear about the project status with high-level reports in hand; and the factory is well-known about the action plan to be followed.

Alongside of this, all projects directly launched and managed by SUA have been going swimmingly, especially during the happy holiday season. With our remote control and reporting, clients could enjoy a relaxing vacation while confidently keeping track of project progress.

Happy new year to everyone! SUA is looking forward to a busy but promising year with all of our clients and partners!